Sunday, August 10, 2008

In Sudan

I am updating this through a cell phone so I will keep it short.
Everything is going well. I have been teaching the Gospel of John for
the last four days. We are almost halfway done. This is the hardest
class yet because their English is very basic and very heavily
accented. I am told that they understand more than they seem. Also,
because most of them are going to be chaplains in the SPLA, we have no
garuntee that they are even born again. Its hard teaching John when
you dont know if anyone has even read the other simpler gospels. Pray
for that.
I will try to update this again, but no promises. I wont be able to
get on the net again until the 19th.
I am safe, healthy, and taking lots of pictures.


Anonymous said...

Thanks again for doing what you do. You bless us every time we think of you, which is often!

If students' hearts are seeking the truth of God, no mere language barrier will stop them.

I did a puppet show today where some of my puppeteers had problems, and the audience was wild and noisy, and I was sure I had failed...and then three men, all church leaders, one after another said they had watched it and that it was right on. Pastor Aaron said it changed his little daughter's mind about staying in Sunday School.

If you are acting in obedience to our Lord, He will take your "weakness" and fulfill what is lacking, to His glory.

XOXO from Mom

Brandon Barr said...

Hey Ray,

I was glad to read your update.

I just got back from high school summer camp. It was really incredible. God's spirit was there changing lives.